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Friday, February 4, 2011

The Common Life

The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field.” Matthew 13:44

When you list the places Christ lived, draw a circle around the town named Nazareth—a single-camel map dot on the edge of boredom. For thirty of thirty-three years, Jesus lived a common life . . .

And the town may have been common, but his attention to it was not . . . He saw how a seed on a path took no root (Luke 8:5) and how a mustard seed produced a great tree (Matthew 13:31-32). Jesus listened to his common life.

Are you listening to yours?

- Max Lucado -

After reading this, it got me thinking...So many times we are looking at what is out there and we pay little or no attention at all to what is right before us. We always imagine what we have is not good enough and yet if you tell a long hard look at it, that which your looking down on could very well be the best thing that happened to.. not only you but so many others around you.

Common, referring to something that is not rare, something ordinary. But heres the catch what happens when you take that ordinary something and add just a little something....yes, it ceases to be ordinary. Yeah, this might sound so cliche but how many times have you ever done something about it.

We have had people create amazing things from regular things and I'm sure that even you are amazed at such creations. Hence your reaction, "Wow!!! Can you believe that?! He just used ordinary..... to create that???" The secret ingredient for amazing creations is to give the seemingly normal things some attention. I believe its also known as paying attention to detail. Yes I said it, even non - living things need attention. Try not giving it to them an see how that works for you.

This brings me back to the question, Are you listening to your common life? It could be your clothes, your wall, your table or chair. Have tried adding colour to something? Have you tried taking off that little something from something?(P.S I'm not encouraging stealing). I'm sure you get my drift.

So there you have it The common Life, How about making it making it not so common. The moment you do I'm sure someone else will do the same. I mean if Jesus could do it, why not you.

1 comment:

Farmer's Wife said... for thought...